Engineering & Project Management

We're not just builders, we're partners. See what our engineering can do for you.

We provide specialized services, engineering, and project management resources that turn client ideas into finished products. Our engineering teams participate throughout the entirety of each project, guiding the job from design to the procurement of materials to manufacturing to quality control.

Because we're a small company, we can focus on each client and each project, dedicating teams of engineers to provide solutions for every manufacturing challenge, from the simplest to the most specialized.

Our engineers and project managers drive even the biggest jobs from concept to completion. They're responsible for some truly amazing, history‐changing projects — too bad we can't tell you about them!

Our Engineers: Tested at the Highest Levels

The high‐level (and highly sensitive) work we've done in the naval nuclear propulsion industry is open only to the world's top engineers. There is no set of quality standards more stringent than those required in the nuclear propulsion industry — and for good reason. We've passed those tests with flying colors.

Does your project require miltary standards? We can do that.

How about reactor components or servicing equipment? We've been there.

Quality Assurance and the Engineering Process

Although engineers do make contributions to quality assurance, a specialized quality‐control organization provides the necessary documentation and validates the accuracy of data history logs and certifications to ensure the components meet the customer's stringent requirements. Quality is on everyone's mind, and our engineers are no exception. But with a dedicated team in place, they focus on bringing projects to life — all the while ensuring stringent quality standards are met.